select 'true' from dual where 1 = null;
select 'true' from dual where 1 != null;
select 'true' from dual where 1 is null;
select 'true' from dual where null is null;
select 'true' from dual where null in (null);
select 'true' from dual where (null,null) in ((null,null));
select 'true' from dual where (1,null) in ((1,null));
select 'true' from dual where null = ANY (null);
select 'true' from dual where (null,null) = ANY ((null,null));
select 'true' from dual where (1,null) = ANY ((1,null));
select 'true' from dual where exists (select null from dual);
select 'true' from dual where exists (select 0 from dual where null is null);
selectename from emp where empno in (select mgr from emp);
selectename from emp e where exists (select 0 from emp where mgr = e.empno);
不过,当逻辑被转变成使用NOT IN和NOT EXISTS时,问题就出现了,这两个语句会返回不同的行(第一个查询会返回0行;第二个返回意想的数据-它们是不同的查询):
selectename from emp where empno not in (select mgr from emp);
selectename from emp e where not exists (select 0 from emp where mgr =e.empno);
NOT IN子句实际上与用=比较每一个值相同,如果任何一个测试为FALSE 或NULL的话,它就会失败。例如:
select 'true' from dual where 1 not in (null,2);
select 'true' from dual where 1 != null and 1 != 2;
select 'true' from dual where (1,2) not in ((2,3),(2,null));
select 'true' from dual where (1,null) not in ((1,2),(2,3));
select 'true' from dual where 1 not in (2,3);
select 'true' from dual where 1 != 2 and 1 != 3;
只要你在结果中阻止系统返回NULL,在这之前你还是可以使用NOT IN查询(同样,这些都能运行,不过我假定empno不是NULL,在我们这个案例中,这是一个很好的假设):
selectename from emp where empno not in (select mgr from emp where mgr is not null);
selectename from emp where empno not in (select nvl(mgr,0) from emp);
由于了解了IN,EXISTS,NOT IN,以及NOT EXISTS之间的差别,当一个子查询的数据中出现NULL时,你就可以避免一个非常普遍的问题了。