星期二, 10月 24, 2006

VIA PadLock support Linux

VIA PadLock Advanced Cryptography Engine (VIA PadLock ACE) is a technology used in VIA C3 Nehemiah processors that provides very fast hardware encryption and decryption. Although the processors are completely x86-compatible they provide some new instructions for accessing the ACE (xcrypt-group instructions).

So, the application need to do some modification in order to take its advantage.


星期四, 10月 19, 2006


法國大革命時期的革命家 Madame Roland (Manon Jeanne Phlipon) 被送上斷頭台前,留下名言:
"O Liberty, Liberty, how many crimes are committed in thy name!"

星期一, 10月 02, 2006


阿笨&阿詹 超搞笑


Try to enable your WM2005 to bcome a USB Disk =)

Leadersip When There Is No One to Ask

《哈佛商業評論》一九九八年七╱八月號刊載的哈佛商學院組織行為學系琳達.希爾教授(Linda Hill, Wallace Brett Donham Professor)等對意大利厄尼公司(Eni)首席執行官貝納白(Franco Bernabe)的訪談:Leadersip When There Is No One to Ask: An Interview with Eni’s Franco Bernabe.(中文本「獨立的領導」)
一九九二年八月,時任意大利總理的堅決「改革派」阿馬托(Giuliano Amto),任命強烈支持私有化、當時是計劃部主管的貝納白為首席執行官,與該公司主席和另一位代表意大利政府(當時唯一的股東)的主任,作為最高層「三人團」一起去領導該公司。但就在第一周,貝納白在給公司全體員工的一份指示中宣佈「他」接管了公司,比「九鐵」兵變如何?貝氏的舉動是有意的,因為他不想和公司職員甚至主席進行漫長的商談,不想妥協,他想達到他真正改革的目標。這一舉動自然令包括主席在內的所有人十分震驚。
在其後數月,下屬各營運公司的執行官自然是陽奉陰違,到該年十一月的年度會議時,貝氏指示起草反映私有化方案的計劃,沒有一個人做!他們都以為貝氏待不久。在此「內戰」期間,意大利政府開展的反腐倡廉運動「洗手」(Clean Hands),調查指控了大約二十名該公司高層人士,公司前主席甚至在獄中自殺。在調查過程中,一名前管理層人士甚至捕風捉影,指控貝氏接受了五百萬美元的賄賂。當時該公司幾乎所有事情都開始崩潰。

Add Ajax into WordPress


IDE for Rudy


Show execution plan in SQLPlus

set autotrace traceonly explain

Install PHP5 in IIS6

Just found that the PHP5 installation doesn’t work for Win2003. And this link is useful for manual installation:

Install PHP5 in IIS6

Just found that the PHP5 installation doesn’t work for Win2003. And this link is useful for manual installation:

Make the WM2005 extended ROM visible

Disable the hack by hand:“Go to “Hkey_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEMS\StorageManager\Profiles\TRUEFFS_DOC”“MountFlags” to be set to “1″ [org: 0×11 (17) ]
Enabling the hack by hand:Go to “Hkey_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEMS\StorageManager\Profiles\TRUEFFS_DOC”“MountFlags” to be set to “0″

Capivara - Java filesync

Capivara is a two pane file manager with support for SFTP and FTP servers. Capivara is not an ordinary file manager because it adds synchronization features like comparing timestamps or SHA-1 hash values.

Trac - enhanced wiki and issue tracking system

Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects.

VMware, Virtual PC and Virtual Server free download

VMware Server 1.0下載處:http://www.vmware.com/products/server/
Microsoft Virtual Server 2005下載處:http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserversystem/virtualserver/software/default.mspx
Microsoft Virtual PC 2004下載處:http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtualpc/default.mspx

A open source personal and small-business financial-accounting software: GNUCash

A open source personal and small-business financial-accounting software: GNUCash

Kexi - Microsoft Access for Linux

Kexi is considered as a long awaited Open Source competitor for Microsoft Access, FileMaker and Oracle Forms. Its development is motivated by the lack of Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools for database systems that are sufficiently powerful, inexpensive, open standards driven and portable across many operating systems and hardware platforms.

ZK Framework

A AJAX framework called ZK which similar but better than Goggle’s Web API for application development.

Opensource VoIP Billing System - Trabas

Trabas VoIP Billing is Trabas’s solution for VoIP Provider for business goals while providing ease and control over the business processes.

Billing system for Asterisk

Asterisk2Billing with Asterisk is trying to complete the needs for large, medium-sized companies and start-up who appreciate the Calling Cards business model. Asterisk2Billing allows to craft a calling card management system over your Asterisk Server. Its powerful callingcard platform can be easily deployed with Asterisk, it is providing wide set of tools to manage a complex & advanced callingcard system! With Asterisk2Billing & Asterisk, deploying prepaid/postpaid calling card services are just as easy as making a few entries through a web interface. Very user-friendly Interface & a lot of advanced functionalities.

Asterisk - The open source PBX…

Asterisk is a complete PBX in software. It runs on Linux, BSD and MacOSX and provides all of the features you would expect from a PBX and more. Asterisk does voice over IP in many protocols, and can interoperate with almost all standards-based telephony equipment using relatively inexpensive hardware.


SQL-Ledger is a double entry accounting system. Accounting data is stored in a SQL database server, for the display any text or GUI browser can be used. The entire system is linked through a chart of accounts. Each item in inventory is linked to income, expense, inventory and tax accounts. When items are sold and purchased the accounts are automatically updated.

opentaps - Open Source ERP + CRM

opentaps Open Source ERP + CRM brings you the advanced features and power of Tier 1 ERP and CRM software with the flexibility and low cost of ownership that only open source can deliver. You can use opentaps as an alternative to expensive and inflexible commercial ERP solutions, as a replacement for in-house solutions that are difficult to maintain or extend, or as a starting point to build your unique business model and processes.

Open Source Billing Systems


Opensource AJAX Webmail

These two are very good =)